(979) 696-1376 office@aldersgatecs.com

School of Minsitry

  Our newly licensed CLMs will teach us from the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5 - 7, on the theme of Building Your Life Upon the Rock. Bring your Bibles! Begins Wednesday, October 2nd through November 13th! October 2nd - Matthew 5 taught by Mike Lightsey October 9th - No School of Ministry October 16th - […]

School of Minsitry

Our newly licensed CLMs will teach us from the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5 - 7, on the theme of Building Your Life Upon the Rock. Bring your Bibles! Begins Wednesday, October 2nd through November 13th! October 2nd - Matthew 5 taught by Mike Lightsey October 9th - No School of Ministry October 16th - Matthew […]

Annual Church Conference

We are having our Annual Charge Conference Wednesday, November 20th 6PM in the Worship Center. Please make plans to attend the meeting.

Thanksgiving Banquet

For an All Church Thanksgiving Banquet! November 22nd @ 6PM A sign up sheet for the sides and desserts will be in the foyer. The church will Provide the Turkey, Dressing & Gravy!

Christmas Decorating

Come help us decorate the church for Christmas! December 6th @ 9AM Lunch is provided

Women’s Christmas Bruch

Sisters in Christ! Join us for a Christmas Brunch on December 7th @ 10 AM Speaker Lorien Foote Bring your favorite dish to share and an ornament to exchange!

All Church Christmas Party

Join us for an All Church Christmas Party! December 13th @ 5:30-8:30PM There will be hayrides, crafts, hot dogs, s'mores, hot chocolate and hot cider. Bring your favorite dish to share!

Men’s Breakfast

Men of Aldersgate! Join us for a Men's Breakfast Saturday, December 21st from 8a.m. - 10a.m. in David's Room. For more information Contact Sam Baron at smbo48@gmail.com

Christmas Eve Service

Join us for a special Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 4p.m.! We will have Carols and Communion!  

Watch Night Service

Join us on New Year's Eve at 10p.m. for Watch Night Service with worship, prayer and praise!

Sisters in Christ join us for a special Valentine's Day Breakfast with Kitty Collins speaking about God's Love! Bring your favorite breakfast dish to share. Sign up in the foyer. February 8th 10 AM - Noon Connection Cafe 1 John 4:7-8

Head on over for a time of fellowship with Pastor Mario and Staff on Tuesday, February 18th at 10:00 a.m. in the Cafe at Aldersgate. You are invited to have a cup of coffee or tea, share a lunch together, and go for a leisurely walk through the mall. This is a simple way to […]